MK Prospects
We meet at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of every month at Christ the Vine Church, Coffee Hall, Milton Keynes.
We pray
We feel it is important to talk to God directly and to share our concerns for ourselves and for others
We worship
We love to sing songs about God and Jesus to express how much we love Him. Some of the songs are especially written for people with Learning Disabilities.
We read the Bible
Usually we have a Bible reading. The Bible is important because it is God's word and God can speak to us through it.
We have a message
There is usually a message explaning the Bible or an important truth about God or Jesus. Sometimes there is a video. Often the message is acted out so it is easier to understand.
We do a craft activity
This can involve doing a word search or maze puzzle. Or we can make things or create something related to the message.
We have Tea, Coffee and Biscuits
Always an important part of any meeting we love to have tea, coffee, or squash and biscuits. It is also a great chance to talk to other people and get to know them better.